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Native American Heritage Commission




  • Welcome
  • Roll Call
  • Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
  • Traditional Opening (Sara Dutschke, Tribal Chairwoman, Ione Band of Miwok Indians, Native American Heritage Commission Secretary)


1. Approval of Meeting Minutes

  • 1. October 20, 2023 – Open Session
  • 2. October 20, 2023 – Closed Session
  • 3. November 21, 2023 – Open Session
  • 4. November 21, 2023 – Closed Session

2. Draft Contact List Regulations (Raymond Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Buffy McQuillen, Wayne Nelson, Contact List Sub-Committee)

  • 1. Update on the progress of the Tribal Comment & Consultation Period for the Proposed Draft Contact List Regulations used to identify California Native American Tribes for various statutory purposes. [Contact List Listening Session Dates] [CCST letter to NAHC requesting extension for Contact List comments]
  • 2. Commissioners to consider tribal request to extend the 90-day Tribal Comment & Consultation Period beyond February 02, 2024.
  • 3. Commissioners to consider second round of Tribal Comment & Consultation after all comments received from the initial 90-Day Tribal Comment & Consultation Period are considered and Draft Proposed changes are incorporated into the revised Proposed Draft Contact List Regulations.

3. Draft CalNAGPRA Dispute Resolution / Mediation Regulations (Michelle Carr, NAHC Chief Legal, Reggie Pagaling, Sara Dutschke, Mediation Sub-Committee)

  • 1. Update on status of Draft CalNAGPRA Dispute Resolution / Mediation Regulations required by Health & Safety Code § 8016 to resolve repatriation disputes.
    • [Mediation Regulations 2.7.2022 Draft]
    • [Summary of Tribal Comments Received]
    • [Overview of Updates from 2.7.2022 Draft]
    • [Comparison of 2.7.2022 Draft to Current Draft]
  • 2. Commissioners to consider recirculating the Draft CalNAGPRA Dispute Resolution / Mediation Regulations out to Tribes for a Second Round of Tribal Comment & Consultation for either a 30, 45, 60, or 90-day Period. [Proposed Mediation Regulations Final Draft]

4. Calendar Dates and Locations for the following Public Commission Meetings Update (Raymond Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)

  • 1. Commissioners to consider filling Sub-Committee vacancies.
    • Most Likely Descendant Regulations Sub-Committee (Commissioner Bojorquez, vacant).

5. Commission Sub-Committee Update (Raymond Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)

  • 1. Commissioners to approve the following Commission Dates & Meeting Locations:
    • Friday, April 19, 2024 – Location TBD
    • Friday, July 19, 2024 – Location TBD

6. CalNAGPRA UC Systemwide / Campus Repatriation and Oversight Committee Nominations Update (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney) [Outreach and Vacancies Memo]

  • 1. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Dr. Brittani Orona to the UC Systemwide Committee as a UC Member (Voting Position) (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Dr. Orona]
  • 2. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Joyce Stanfield Perry as a replacement for any upcoming (Non-Federally Recognized) Tribal Member Vacancy on the UC Systemwide Committee (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Joyce Perry]
  • 3. Commissioners to consider the provisional Nomination of Dustin Murray to the UC Berkeley Campus Committee as a Tribal Member (Federally Recognized) Voting Position (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Dustin Murray]
  • 4. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Larissa Nez to the UC Systemwide Committee as a UC Berkeley (Non-Voting) Member (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Larissa Nez]


7. California State University (CSU) CalNAGPRA Compliance Update (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)

  • 1. CSU Chancellor’s Office Representative Guest Speaker (Nathan Dietrich, CSU Assistant Vice Chancellor for Advocacy and State Relations)
    • Nathan Dietrich to address Commissioners on CalNAGPRA Compliance and progress.
  • 2. Update on AB 389 and its statutory requirements for the NAHC related to CSU repatriation (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney). [AB 389]
  • 3. Update on NAHC / CSU Systemwide & Campus CalNAGPRA Repatriation and Oversight Committee outreach and timelines for Nominations (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney). [CSU Outreach Timelines]
  • 4. Update on 2023 Audit Report findings for the CSU non-compliance of CalNAGPRA (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney). [Audit Summary]

8. Update on the recently amended NAGPRA Regulations (Michelle Carr, NAHC Chief Legal) [Federal NAGPRA Regulations]

9. Executive Secretary Report (Raymond Hitchcock, Executive Secretary) [Executive Secretary Report]

10. Commissioner Reports

PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.