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Native American Heritage Commission
Roll Call
Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
Traditional Opening (Sara Dutschke, Tribal Chairwoman, Ione Band of Miwok Indians, Native American Heritage Commission Secretary)
1. Approval of Meeting Minutes
1. October 20, 2023 – Open Session
2. October 20, 2023 – Closed Session
3. November 21, 2023 – Open Session
4. November 21, 2023 – Closed Session
2. Draft Contact List Regulations (Raymond Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Buffy McQuillen, Wayne Nelson, Contact List Sub-Committee)
1. Update on the progress of the Tribal Comment & Consultation Period for the Proposed Draft Contact List Regulations used to identify California Native American Tribes for various statutory purposes. [Contact List Listening Session Dates] [CCST letter to NAHC requesting extension for Contact List comments]
2. Commissioners to consider tribal request to extend the 90-day Tribal Comment & Consultation Period beyond February 02, 2024.
3. Commissioners to consider second round of Tribal Comment & Consultation after all comments received from the initial 90-Day Tribal Comment & Consultation Period are considered and Draft Proposed changes are incorporated into the revised Proposed Draft Contact List Regulations.
1. Update on status of Draft CalNAGPRA Dispute Resolution / Mediation Regulations required by Health & Safety Code § 8016 to resolve repatriation disputes.
[Mediation Regulations 2.7.2022 Draft]
[Summary of Tribal Comments Received]
[Overview of Updates from 2.7.2022 Draft]
[Comparison of 2.7.2022 Draft to Current Draft]
2. Commissioners to consider recirculating the Draft CalNAGPRA Dispute Resolution / Mediation Regulations out to Tribes for a Second Round of Tribal Comment & Consultation for either a 30, 45, 60, or 90-day Period. [Proposed Mediation Regulations Final Draft]
4. Calendar Dates and Locations for the following Public Commission Meetings Update (Raymond Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
1. Commissioners to consider filling Sub-Committee vacancies.
Most Likely Descendant Regulations Sub-Committee (Commissioner Bojorquez, vacant).
1. Commissioners to approve the following Commission Dates & Meeting Locations:
Friday, April 19, 2024 – Location TBD
Friday, July 19, 2024 – Location TBD
6. CalNAGPRA UC Systemwide / Campus Repatriation and Oversight Committee Nominations Update (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney) [Outreach and Vacancies Memo]
1. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Dr. Brittani Orona to the UC Systemwide Committee as a UC Member (Voting Position) (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Dr. Orona]
2. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Joyce Stanfield Perry as a replacement for any upcoming (Non-Federally Recognized) Tribal Member Vacancy on the UC Systemwide Committee (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Joyce Perry]
3. Commissioners to consider the provisional Nomination of Dustin Murray to the UC Berkeley Campus Committee as a Tribal Member (Federally Recognized) Voting Position (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Dustin Murray]
4. Commissioners to consider the Nomination of Larissa Nez to the UC Systemwide Committee as a UC Berkeley (Non-Voting) Member (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, Chairman Pagaling, Commissioner Rodriguez, UC/CSU Systemwide / Campus Sub-Committee) [Larissa Nez]
7. California State University (CSU) CalNAGPRA Compliance Update (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
1. CSU Chancellor’s Office Representative Guest Speaker (Nathan Dietrich, CSU Assistant Vice Chancellor for Advocacy and State Relations)
Nathan Dietrich to address Commissioners on CalNAGPRA Compliance and progress.
2. Update on AB 389 and its statutory requirements for the NAHC related to CSU repatriation (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney). [AB 389]
3. Update on NAHC / CSU Systemwide & Campus CalNAGPRA Repatriation and Oversight Committee outreach and timelines for Nominations (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney). [CSU Outreach Timelines]
4. Update on 2023 Audit Report findings for the CSU non-compliance of CalNAGPRA (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney). [Audit Summary]
8. Update on the recently amended NAGPRA Regulations (Michelle Carr, NAHC Chief Legal) [Federal NAGPRA Regulations]