- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Introduction of Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative
- Traditional Opening
CLOSED SESSION – Commissioners, Staff, and Attorney General’s Representative Only
- Pending Litigation
(Government Code sections 11126(e)(1), (e)(2)(A), (e)(2)(C)(i))
- City of Corona WLF Lift Station No.3, Matter involving MLD Designation
- Commission Review of Staff MLD Determination Process for City of Corona WLF Lift Station No. 3.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes,
- July 15, 2022, Open Session
- Appointment of “Contact List” Sub-Committee Member to replace recently Retired Commissioner, Russell “Buster” Attebery, (Laura Miranda, Chairwoman)
11:30 am– 12:30 pm LUNCH BREAK
- UC Repatriation Committees Nominations – (UC Nominations Subcommittee, Reggie Pagaling and Stanley Rodriguez, Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Consider Nomination of Lauren Peters to UC Systemwide Repatriation Committee, UC Davis, Non-Voting position, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
- Consider Nomination of Gerald Clarke to UC Riverside Campus Repatriation Committee, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Consider Nomination of Prof. Seth Davis to UC Berkely Campus Repatriation Committee, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- Systemwide Repatriation Committee Non-Voting Vacancies, Update & Call for Committee Member Applicants, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- UC Davis (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- UC Berkeley
- UC Riverside
- UC Santa Barbara
- Campus Repatriation Committee Vacancies, Update & Call for Committee Member Applicants, (Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney)
- UC Berkeley (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- UC Riverside (Pending Nomination and UC Confirmation)
- “See Above”
- NAHC Trailer Bill Language, Contact List & Most Likely Descendent List APA Exemptions, Bagley-Keene Exemptions for Commission Meetings regarding Contact List & Most Likely Descendent, Update/ Commission to consider recommending NAHC Staff to coordinate with the Administration to pursue legislative fixes similar to last legislative session’s NAHC Trailer Bill in the upcoming session, Info#2_NAHC Steamlining Leg Changes Info#2_NAHC Proposed Budget Trailer Bill Lang Info#2_Entire Budget Trailer Bill (Raymond C Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Justin Freeborn, NAHC Attorney)
- Draft Contact List Regulations, 60-Day Tribal Consultation, APA Process Update, Info#3_Contact List APA Timeline (Raymond C Hitchcock, Executive Secretary, Justin Freeborn, NAHC Attorney)
- CalNAGPRA Draft Dispute Resolution / Mediation Process Regulations, Update, Info#4_Updated Timeline CalNAGPRA Mediation Regs (Justin Freeborn, NAHC Attorney, Mario Pallari, NAHC Attorney, John Appelbaum, Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice)
- NAHC Four Year Strategic Plan – 2023-2027, (Laura Miranda, Chairperson, Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
- Executive Secretary Report, (Raymond C. Hitchcock, Executive Secretary)
- Commissioner Reports
PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes for each speaker, unless otherwise determined by the Commission.
Please email any public comments to [email protected] by 4:00PM Thursday, October 20, 2022, to be read into the record. All submissions should include “Public Comment” in the subject line, your name, who you represent, and the subject you wish to address.
The public may comment on any item on the agenda before action is taken on the item.
4:00 pm ADJOURNMENT – At the end of Public Comment or 4:00 PM, whichever is first.
*The Native American Heritage Commission complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need additional information or assistance, please contact the Commission at (916) 373-3710 or via email at [email protected]. Our website address is: www.nahc.ca.gov. Follow us on Twitter: @CA_NAHC