See important meeting deadlines and procedures at the end of the agenda. Unless otherwise indicated, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is identified as Department.

Agenda Item 15, Strategic Planning, will be in a workshop format at the end of the first day. The item will begin 15 minutes after the next-to-last agenda item is heard that day (approximately between 2 and 3 PM).

Water Resilience Portfolio Listening Session (August 8) The Commission invites interested stakeholders to join a listening session in the auditorium at approximately 11:00 AM, or 15 minutes after the meeting concludes, for the public to share input on building water resiliency and a resilient water portfolio for California, including presentations on recent and current efforts. The listening session is an effort to help implement Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-10-19 which established the State of California Water Resilience Portfolio Initiative, and will contribute to ensuring the longterm sustainability of California’s fish and wildlife.

Call to order/roll call to establish quorum

1. Consider approving agenda and order of items

2. General public comment for items not on agenda

Receive public comment regarding topics within the Commission’s authority that are not included on the agenda. Note: The Commission may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this item, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting (sections 11125 and 11125.7(a), Government Code).


3. Transgenic zebrafish

Review and consider action on a restricted species permit approved by the Department for Chapman University to possess transgenic zebrafish. (Pursuant to subdivision 15007(e), Fish and Game Code, and subsection 671.1(a)(8)(H), Title 14, CCR)

4. Northern California summer steelhead

Consider approving the Department’s request for a six-month extension to review the petition to list northern California summer steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus) as an endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). (Pursuant to Section 2074.6, Fish and Game Code)

Motion on Consent Items 3 and 4

5. Mountain lion

(A) Receive a petition to list mountain lion (Puma concolor) as a threatened or endangered species under CESA. (Pursuant to Section 2073.3, Fish and Game Code, and subsection 670.1(c), Title 14, CCR)

(B) Consider approving the Department’s request for a 30-day extension to review the petition to list mountain lion (Puma concolor) as a threatened or endangered species under CESA. (Pursuant to Section 2073.5, Fish and Game Code)

Motion on Consent Item 5

6. Acting executive director’s report

Receive an update from the acting executive director on staffing and legislative information.

(A) Staff report

(B) Legislative report, federal regulatory notices, and possible action

7. Tribal Committee

Discuss and consider approving draft agenda topics for the next committee meeting. Consider approving new topics to address at a future committee meeting.

(A) Work plan development

I. Update on work plan and draft timeline

II. Discuss and consider approving new topics

Motion on Item 7

8. Wildlife Resources Committee

Discuss and consider approving draft agenda topics for the next committee meeting. Consider approving new topics to address at a future committee meeting.

(A) Work plan development

I. Update on work plan and draft timeline

II. Discuss and approve new topics

Motion on Item 8

9. Possession of nongame animals (nutria)

Consider authorizing publication of notice of intent to amend possession of nongame animals regulations, in order to exclude nutria (Myocastor coypus) from the list of nongame animals that can be possessed alive with a special permit. (Section 473, Title 14, CCR)

Motion on Item 9

10. San Bernardino kangaroo rat

Consider and potentially act on the petition, Department’s evaluation report, and comments received to determine whether listing San Bernardino kangaroo rat as an endangered or threatened species under CESA may be warranted. (Pursuant to sections 2074 and 2074.2, Fish and Game Code) Note: if the Commission determines listing may be warranted, a one-year status review will commence before the final decision on listing is made.

Motion on Item 10