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See important meeting deadlines and procedures at the end of the agenda. Unless otherwise indicated, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is identified as Department.

The Commission invites members of the public to join commissioners and staff for two tours that will take place following the meeting recess on Wednesday. Details for the tours, associated with ranching, beekeeping, and watershed/post-fire restoration, will be available the morning of the first day of the commission meeting in the meeting room. Members of the public are welcome, but must provide their own transportation.

JUNE 12, 2019, 8:30AM

Call to order/roll call to establish quorum

1. Consider approving agenda and order of items

2. General public comment for items not on agenda

Receive public comment regarding topics within the Commission’s authority that are not included on the agenda. Note: The Commission may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this item, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting (sections 11125 and 11125.7(a), Government Code).


3. Five-year private lands wildlife habitat enhancement and management area (PLM) licenses and plans

Consider approving five-year PLM plans and 2019-2023 licenses for: (Pursuant to Section 601, Title 14, CCR)

(A) Butte County

I. Soper-Wheeler

(B) Calaveras County

I. Ordway Ranch

(C) Glenn County

I. Bird Haven Ranch

(D) Lassen County

I. Clarks Valley Ranch

II. Five Dot Ranch-Avila

III. Red Rock Ranch

(E) Mendocino County

I. Schneider Ranch

F) Monterey County

I. Gabilan Ranch

(G) Shasta County

I. Duncan Creek Ranch

(H) Stanislaus County

I. Roostercomb Ranch

(I) Tehama County

I. Corning Land and Cattle Company

4. Annual PLM plans

Consider approving annual PLM plans and 2019/2020 licenses for: (Pursuant to Section 601, Title 14, CCR)

(A) Butte County

I. Deserte Farms - Ballard Unit

II. Deseret Farms - Wilson Unit

III. Llano Seco Rancho

(B) Butte/Tehama counties

I. Rock Creek

(C) Glenn County

I. Spurlock Ranch

(D) Lassen County

I. Ash Valley Ranch

II. Dixie Valley Ranch

III. Five Dot Ranch - Horse Lake

IV. Five Dot Ranch - School Section

V. Five Dot Ranch - Tunnel Springs

VI. Five Dot Ranch - Willow Creek

VII. Kramer Ranch

VIII. Mendiboure Cold Springs Ranch

IX. Mendiboure Ranch

X. Observation Peak Ranch

XI. Walton Homestead Family, LLC

(E) Los Angeles County

I. Santa Catalina Island

(F) Mendocino County

I. Ackerman - South Daugherty Wildlife Management Area

II. Eden Valley Ranch

III. R-R Ranch

IV. Six Point Ranch (formerly Potter Valley Wildlife Management Area)

(G) Modoc County

I. Basin View Ranch

II. Lookout Ranch

III. SL Ranch

(H) Modoc County

I. Bardin Ranch

(I) Modoc County

I. Big Morongo Springs Ranch

(J) Modoc County

I. Black Ranch

II. Clover Creek Ranch

III. Hathaway Oak Run Ranch

IV. JS Ranch

V. Rickert Ranch

VI. Triple B Ranch

(K) Siskiyou County

I. Long Prairie Farms

II. Pondossa

III. Red Rock Valley Farms

(L) Tehama County

I. Big Bluff Ranch

II. CEl Rancho Rio Frio

III. Little Dry Creek Ranch

IV. Salt Creek Ranch

(M) Yuba County

I. Sugarloaf-Bangor Ranch

5. Upper Klamath-Trinity river spring Chinook salmon

Consider approving the Department’s request for a six-month extension to deliver the one-year status review report on the petition to list Upper Klamath-Trinity river spring Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) as an endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). (Pursuant to Section 2074.6, Fish and Game Code)

6. San Bernardino kangaroo rat

Receive 90-day evaluation report from the Department for the petition to list San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus) as an endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). (Pursuant to Section 2073.5, Fish and Game Code)

7. Cascades frog

Receive the Department’s one-year status review report on the petition to list Cascades frog (Rana cascadae) as an endangered or threatened species under CESA. (Pursuant to Section 2074.6, Fish and Game Code)
The Department will recommend that this item be continued to a future Commission meeting.

8. Transgenic zebrafish

(A) Review and consider action on a restricted species permit approved by the Department for San Diego State University to possess transgenic zebrafish. (Pursuant to subdivision 15007(e), Fish and Game Code, and subsection 671.1(a)(8)(H), Title 14, CCR)

(B) Receive application from Chapman University for a restricted species permit for transgenic zebrafish. (Pursuant to subdivision 15007(e), Fish and Game Code, and subsection 671.1(a)(8)(H), Title 14, CCR)

9. Duck stamp proposals

Consider approving proposed duck stamp projects for Fiscal Year 2019-20. (Pursuant to Section 3702, Fish and Game Code)

Motion on Consent Items 3-9

10. Tribal Committee

Discuss updates and/or recommendations from the June 11, 2019 committee meeting.
Consider approving new topics to address at a future committee meeting

(A) June 11, 2019 meeting summary

I. Receive and consider adopting recommendations

(B) Work plan development

I. Update on work plan and draft timeline

II. Discuss and consider approving new topics

Motion on Item 10

11. Wildlife Resources Committee

Discuss updates and/or recommendations from the May 16, 2019 committee meeting. Consider approving new topics to address at a future committee meeting.

(A) May 16, 2019 meeting summary

I. Receive and consider adopting recommendations

(B) Work plan development

I. Update on work plan and draft timeline

II. Discuss and consider approving new topics

Motion on Item 11

12. Northern California summer steelhead

Consider and potentially act on the petition, Department’s evaluation report, and comments received to determine whether listing northern California summer steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus) as an endangered or threatened species under CESA may be warranted.
(Pursuant to sections 2074 and 2074.2, Fish and Game Code) Note: if the Commission determines listing may be warranted, a one-year status review will commence before the final decision on listing is made.

Motion on Item 12

13. Northern California summer steelhead regulations

If the Commission determines that listing may be warranted for Northern California summer steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus) under CESA, discuss and potentially take regulatory actions.

14. Bumble bees

Consider and potentially act on the petition, Department’s evaluation report, and comments received to determine whether listing Crotch bumble bee (Bombus crotchii), Franklin’s bumble bee (Bombus franklini), Suckley cuckoo bumble bee (Bombus suckleyi), and western bumble bee (Bombus occidentalis occidentalis) as endangered or threatened species under CESA may be warranted.
(Pursuant to sections 2074 and 2074.2, Fish and Game Code) Note: if the Commission determines listing may be warranted, a one-year status review will commence before the final decision on listing is made.

Motion on Item 14

15. Wildlife and inland fisheries petitions for regulation change

Consider requests submitted by members of the public to adopt, amend, or repeal a regulation.
(Pursuant to Section 662, Title 14, CCR)

(A) Action on current petitions

I. Petition #2019-006 AM 1: Use of bait for taking bear

II. Petition #2019-008 AM 2: Firing range at Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve

III. Petition #2019-009: Trinity River fishing regulations

IV. Petition #2019-010 AM 2: Use of airguns for taking game

V. Petition #2019-011: Bag and possession limits for brown trout in the Klamath River Basin

(B) Action on pending regulation petitions referred to staff or the Department for review

I. Petition #2019-001: Commercial parking at Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve

II. Petition #2018-018: Crow hunting at Hollenbeck Canyon Wildlife Area

Motion on Item 15

16. Wildlife and inland fisheries non-regulatory requests from previous meetings

(A) Action on non-regulatory requests

(B) Action on pending non-regulatory requests referred to staff or the Department for review

Motion on Item 16

17. Departmental informational items (wildlife and inland fisheries)

The Department will highlight wildlife and inland fisheries items of note since the last Commission meeting.

(A) Director’s report

I. Update on tricolored blackbird population estimates and progress with safe harbor agreements

(B) Law Enforcement Division

(C) Wildlife and Fisheries Division, and Ecosystem Conservation Division

I. Update on efforts to eradicate nutria in California
